Canvas Prints

Our photo canvas prints are printes on to the highest quality 340gsm white cotton blend canvas and then coates with a satin varnish. Following this, they are hand stretches onto 1.5 inch deep wooden bars. Printing on canvas is a traditional way to display finely taken photography or family memories. At Wessex photo, we ensure that your shots are reproduces in stunning quality in a wide range of sizes, furthermore, we can turn your favorite moments and memories into art-quality home accessories and gifts.

Photo canvas prints from Wessex Photo are a wonderful gift. And a custom wall print is always popular as a present for family, friends or loved ones. Store your special memories and choose your canvas size. Also consider that wall art is very popular, and a well-designed image gives a personal touch to any room. Our professional prints are expertly printes and produced, and we can process a variety of formats.
We can provide ready to hang, gallery quality art work that will brighten up your home. Your canvas print will be a unique addition to any wall. Wessex Photo are the canvas print specialists. Get in touch today!

Dorset & Hampshire Photo Canvas Prints Services
Dorset & Hampshire Photo Canvas Prints Services
Dorset, Weymouth & Hampshire Photo Framing & Mounting Services

Click below to order your canvas online, or contact your local branch for further information.